Learn How to Use a Bubbler Pipe

Posted by Brian W on May 15th 2020

Learn How to Use a Bubbler Pipe

Got a New Glass Bubbler? Here are 4 Tips to Enjoy Your New Piece.

You just got a new piece delivered and realize:

a: You never used a glass bubbler and it looks different from your other glass .

b: You could use a quick refresh on your bubbler pipe knowledge.

In either scenario, Atomic Blaze has you covered with our Blazer's Smoking Guide, dedicated to understanding how to maximize use of your new smoking accessory and ensure it lasts you a long time.


  • Don't add too much or too little water to a water pipe before smoking
  • Don't over-pack the bowl, just like you wouldn't on a normal smoke pipe
  • Preserve your stash by cornering the bowl when you light it
  • Keeping a nice glass bubbler clean is essential to its lifetime value

No time to read? Watch this video breakdown on how to use a glass bubbler.

A little background on the glass bubbler pipe.

I’m sure you’ve heard many things about bubblers. They are an awesome method of enjoying a nice, relaxing evening with your friends after a busy day. I know you know what I'm talking about here. 

A glass bubbler offers the same experience that a bong provides, but it’s much smaller and more compact. Bubblers are that smoking accessory that makes you go “Oh, wow! I didn't expect that."

They are the perfect blend of function, form, and artistry. You can think of them as a piece somewhere between a bong and a glass pipe - you’ll get the smooth smoking experience, while also benefiting from their portability and ease-of-use.

Bubblers use water and a percolation system to cool and filter smoke, so when you get the hit, you’ll enjoy a silky deliciousness. I’m telling you, if you haven’t tried one yet, you’re actually missing out. 

Follow these 4 tips on how to use a bubbler pipe, and you will be a pro in no time.

Step 1. Add the right amount of water

Yes, before smoking from a bubbler, you need to add water. We suggest you use distilled drinking water for a better experience, but tap water will do the trick as well. Now the question is, how do you know what the right amount of water is? 

Buy bubblers from Atomic Blaze smoke shop and get discreet, free shipping from Sarasota, FL

Well, you take a measuring cup, you pour the water in it, then you measure exactly 10 ml. of water - not less, not more. We’re joking, of course. The next step is to very carefully pour the water into the bubbler.

You just have to fill the chamber up halfway and you’re good to go. Simple as that. It just depends on the size of the chamber. Why is this aspect of a water pipe important? 

Because if you overfill your bubbler, you may inhale some of the water while smoking, and this will definitely lessen your experience, as you will most likely start coughing. Who wants bong water in their mouth anyways?

On the other hand, if you don’t use enough water, you may end up with a hotter and less filtered hit that can burn your lungs. And I’m sure you don’t want that to happen.

Pro Smokers Tip:

"Make sure that whenever you use your bubbler, you fill it with ice-cold water. Trust me, you will thank me later."

Step 2: Pack the bowl lightly

Before packing any herb, don’t forget to wipe out any water from the bubbler’s bowl, because it has to be completely dry. Then, it’s time to grind up your herbs. Make sure you’re not using too fine of a grind because your herbs might get packed too tight, but neither too rough, as you may lose that consistent and smooth burn.

Too finely-ground herbs may also slip through your bowl pack, so you’d better find the right balance of grinding if you don’t want to waste all that yumminess.

Once you’ve got a satisfying pile of freshly ground herbs, pinch a good amount and carefully pack it into the bowl piece. It’s really important to do this gently. If you pack it too tight, you’ll restrict airflow, therefore it will be hard to smoke. Also, if you pack it too loosely, you’ll burn the herbs too fast. 

So again, be careful and gentle.

Step 3: Light the bowl. Don't Torch it.

Ok, now it’s time for the fun part. If your bubbler has a carb, cover the opening hole with your index finger or your thumb. Then, put your mouth over the top opening of your bubbler (the mouthpiece).

Grab a lighter and light your bowl just like you would a glass bong or a glass pipe. Gently place the flame on the side of your packed bowl - make sure to go at an angle because this way you’ll burn only a part of the bud at a time, so you’ll enjoy more fresh puffs.

As you are lighting the bubbler, ensure that you are using the carb. Then, you just have to inhale gently. You should hear a soft bubbling sound. 

Also, here's a quick tip: don’t inhale as hard with a bubbler as you would with a huge bong. Why? Well, because you’ll find yourself with some water in your mouth, which is for sure not pleasant.

Step 4: Keep it clean

After a relaxing evening, we all know you’re gonna go to the kitchen at midnight to grab a snack, so why not do something productive in the meantime, like cleaning your bubbler?

Jokes aside, it’s essential to keep it clean. Glass bubblers are smaller than bongs, so they can get clogged and gross quite easily.

Make sure to dump out the water when your session is over. Then run some clean water through the bubbler and let it dry. That’s it. Proper maintenance is actually really easy and is a must, for sure.

However, if you want to be extra careful from time to time, here is what you need to do: first of all, prepare a salt and alcohol solution and put it in a container. Then put your bubbler ipipe n the container to soak. 

Next, rinse it off with some warm water. It would be ideal if you can use pipe cleaners in order to get to clear the hard to reach spots. And then just rinse it once again with clean water. Voilà!

So Now What?

You are professional glass bubbler smoker now. Act accordingly.

Bubblers are a perfect way of enjoying a nice evening, especially when you have guests. As you can see, using a glass bubbler is quite simple. 

Learn to smoke a glass bubbler with this guide from atomic blaze online head shop

You'll get to experience a cool and relaxing sesh in no time. 

So if you’re looking for a high-quality, but affordable bubbler, you can find one in our online smoke shop along with lots of other smoking accessories to ensure you can blast off.

Watch the full how to use a bubbler video on YouTube.