7 Tips for Entrepreneurs Under 30

Dec 15th 2021

7 Tips for Entrepreneurs Under 30

If you consistently find yourself the leader in the workplace, take initiative and are goal oriented- you are born to be an entrepreneur.

Maybe you already call yourself an entrepreneur or you’re starting to realize that you were born to be one. Either way, these 7 tips will help guide entrepreneurs under 30 towards honing in on the entrepreneurial path. Make sure to write these down on your vision boards and keep going! It takes a lot of motivation and effort to be an entrepreneur in this day and age but with the right drive, anything can be done!

1) Find Your True Passion

What is the point of working for yourself if you’re not doing what you love? Figure out what burns fire in your heart and what makes it sing. Then, figure out the market for it. Are you a passionate Marijuana grower? Well, there is a booming market awaiting you my friend! Are you someone who just loves painting houses? Figure out how your local paint company operates, it’s revenue, it’s market and start planning! The opportunities are endless!

2) Follow Those Who Inspire You

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Who inspires you? What quote gets you through your day? Personally, I go by the quote “Life is too short for plan B” and look to Henry Rollins, a well-admired writer, for inspiration. Whenever I feel like I can’t keep going or that my efforts aren’t worth it, I turn on one of his podcasts and listen to his crazy stories from when he was still an aspiring entrepreneur. Find your Henry Rollins and look to that person for inspiration when you are down.

3) Stay Focused!

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Maybe you’re someone like me who has interests in so many things it’s hard to stay focused on one task. Well, I will tell you from experience- Entrepreneurial accomplishments are no easy feat. It seems daunting sometimes working on just one project but in the end, it is absolutely worth it.

I have found myself buried in numerous projects without getting one thing all the way done. It wasn’t until I learned how to focus and master one art, that I started becoming successful. I encourage you to stay focused on the task on hand and prevent yourself from picking up any other side projects that may hinder your current projects progress.

4) Read Your Environment

In order to become a successful entrepreneur, it is key to read your environment and understand your market. Your market is what will bring in revenue and keep your business alive. Sure, you may love selling your deliciously homegrown green goddess, but maybe you live in an area that only appreciates dabs and other wonderful treats. While it may seem like a steep compromise to grow your beautiful nature’s gift to just turn it into a processed product. Knowing your market and understanding the demand is what will keep you in business. Besides, once you establish a trusted relationship with your client, they will try your other products (like that delicious hemp) in the upcoming future.

5) Hone In On Your Communication Skills

While you are working to hone communication skills, puff on a glass bong from Atomic Blaze Online Smoke Shop

More often than not, successful entrepreneurs are excellent communicators. Good communication skills will allow you to build productive relationships with your clients. It is important to build trust in these relationships too, and nothing does that better than good communication skills. If you are a bit shy and not keen on communicating, that’s okay! There is always time to learn. I encourage you to start studying up on how to hone in on those skills because they are key and anyone can learn how to be a good communicator. It just takes practice!

Find Balance Between Innovation and Improvisation

Being innovative is what gets you the loan for your business. It’s what catches your potential customers and investors' eyes and it’s what gets you to the top! Improvisation is how you stay alive and well in the business industry. You must be able to think quick on your feet, compromise in the moment of a conversation and be capable of problem solving obstacles you’ve never come across before. It’s a tough balance to find, but when you do, you’ll know that you are playing the game right!

Immerse Yourself With Hands On Experience

Hands on experience is what helps us hone in on the skills needed to be successful. If you run into a fellowship, internship or volunteer opportunity at a business that is modeled similar to what you aspire to create- jump at any opportunity to learn! It’s not a doubt of pride by working for the competition. It’s important to learn how other businesses have become successful in order for you to model after. So keep your ears to the ground and find yourself some hands on experience to learn from!

There is no question that it is difficult to not only embark on the path of an entrepreneur but master the art as well!

But with enough courage, motivation and a skill set that hones in the tips above, you will be well on your way of cultivating a successful business of your very own! Good luck out there and godspeed!

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